Episode 2

On this episode
On this episode we dive into the genera of romantic comedies. We dive into Emily In Paris, Jane the Virgin, Kissing Booth, and Gilmore Girls. Many debates in this episode are centered around what boy the main character should choose. We also talk about some real-life rom com scenarios in our lives. Listen to find out about Carsyn and Paige’s rom com stories. In the end we start to talk about movies versus real life and how movies can ruin our perception of love and life in general. At the end we give our final decision on if the shows we discussed are binge worthy or if they are too cringey.
Time Outline
0:40- 6:35: We start talking about a new rom com tv series called Emily in Paris. It is available now on Netflix. Carsyn asks the question what man that Emily is kind of between throughout the series we would choose. Madison brings up a good question about how accurate the show depicts life in Paris. This sparked conversation about sexualizing things in America versus other parts of the world. SPOILER ALERT: 4:29- 5:07 (Skip if you have not scene season 2) Question to end this segment is “Who will Emily end up with?” Let us know who you think she will end up with! SPOILER ALERT: 5:50- 6:20 (Skip if you have not scene season 2).
6:40-7:45: We start talking about how many seasons shows now a days usually run for. Abby brings up getting emotionally attached to characters. Let us know what character you are attached to!
7:47- 8: 50: Carsyn brings the conversation to Jane the Virgin. Is Petra a good character or a bad character?
8: 55- 10:20: Paige starts to talk about how it is hard to see a characters as good if they played an evil character in a different show. Does your character become part of your identity?
10:20- 11:00: There is no rom com discussion today without talking about the Kissing Booth! Can you stand Joey King?
11:00- 12:00: We tart to discuss characters that are in love in a show that actually start falling in love in real life.
12:17- 12:50: Can you watch the cringy stuff that is shown throughout many Rom Coms?
12:56- 17:15: Gilmore Girls discussion! Team Logan, Team Dean, or Team Jesse? We debate what part of the show Rory was the worst in. Who is Rory’s baby daddy? Is it the obvious choice? Paige is fully Team Logan. This sparks conversation into what each host “type” is.
17:17- 18:45: Spontaneous real life rom com like stories. Carsyn talks about a guy she met in the Galapagos Islands. Paige talks about a group of guys she met in 8th grade in Florida with her cousins.
18:50- 21:58: Do rom coms mess up our perception of love? The discussion of movies versus real life.
22:00- 23:52: We each give our final verdict. Are the shows we discussed binge or cringe worthy?